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In the early days, Zion was a picturesque mountain embellished with bamboo huts. Here, the people of Zion began work at the onset of daybreak and rested by sunset, living a simple farm life. Even though work was demanding, they labored with joy. This is because all the people of Zion, also known as companions of the Lamb, received the same faith, Jesus Christ�𤴆he full truth of Blood, Water and Holy Spirit. Together, they returned to the New Testament Church rebuilt by the Holy Spirit and obeyed the apostles�� leading. In the vision of �𦯷ll Nations Flow Back to Mount Zion,�� they became one family of love. They feared God and loved men. So, there was no craftiness, hatred, contention, jealousy or division among them. To them, work was ministration and life was worship. They helped each other in farming, cultivating, constructing and rearing livestock. After finishing their work, they would worship and sing praises to God together.

Mount Zion, where hills, valleys, fountains and springs can be found, is the Promised Land given by God. After more than 10 years of hard work of the people of Zion, the rolling hills were covered with fruit orchards of prunes, pears, tangerines, loquats, passion fruits, chestnuts, and plums. Green and luxuriant paulownia trees, maple trees, fir trees, pine trees and bamboo groves dotted the vast land. Zion turned from a desert land into a fruitful field, and from a fruitful field to a rich forest. Apart from these, there was a variety of produce such as tapioca, sorghum, corn, ginger, taro, yams, pumpkins, white gourds, beans, as well as all kinds of vegetables. As for the farm animals, there were cattle, goats, pigs, rabbits, chickens, turkeys, guinea fowls, geese, domestic fowls and other livestock. Zion was blessed with bumper harvests and thriving livestock. The faithful God had made us �禃ide in the heights of the earth, that we might eat the produce of the field.�� Normally, the brothers did heavier jobs outside whereas the sisters raised chickens, cooked, mended clothes and did household chores. Each had his own part but they always lent a helping hand whenever possible. How heartwarming! At harvest time, they went out together to pick juicy fruits, catch big fish, bring in garden produce, and dry grains at Ornan�䏭 Threshing Floor. At leisure, this threshing floor became their resting place where everyone, both the young and the old, would play piano, sing and dance, or read the Bible together. How satisfying!

Glancing at Zion from afar, domestic fowls could be seen flying around on the grounds, geese playing in the pond, doves soaring in the sky, goats and oxen grazing about on the mountain, and the people of Zion living in harmony. Zion is indeed the paradise on earth. How surpassing! Zion, a serene and blissful land, is truly the place where God lives with man.