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The history of Mount Zion is made up of the frequent shedding of blood, sweat, and tears of the people of Zion, the pioneers who turned this wilderness into a paradise. It is a history of suffering where the people of Zion were persecuted by a despotic regime. It is the history of the New Testament Church (NTC) fighting against an evil regime without giving in, even unto death. It is the history of all the saints of the NTC striving with one heart to build the Garden of Eden, the kingdom of Christ.

In 1963, God led the Prophet of All Nations Elijah Hong, up to this mountain. After more than a decade of painstaking labor, Elijah Hong and the companions turned Mount Zion into a beauteous homeland and a paradise. But the Kuomintang (KMT), a government of espionage, became �𦨴uspicious�� of the selfless and harmonious lifestyle on Mount Zion. They established a �𢜛ountain Clearance�� task force with the intention of eliminating Mount Zion.

In the 70s, the KMT falsely incriminated the people of Zion, resulting in numerous unjust charges. They sent their military personnel and police to search the mountain several times, practicing white terror. They even secretly rezoned Mount Zion under restricted mountainous jurisdiction to facilitate their unlawful seizure of Mount Zion.

In the 80s, Mount Zion was plundered and the people of Zion were forcibly evicted from their home. They wandered at the riverbed of Hsiaolin, lived in tents, and waited to return to Zion. The KMT outrageously razed down the tents at the riverbed, and they put 15 people in prison on the charge of �禃iverbed encroachment.�� In order to completely wipe out Mount Zion, the KMT not only thoroughly looted all the houses on Mount Zion, they also completely razed the church premises, the watchtower, and all the other buildings. They even sawed down all the electric poles! How atrocious and maniacal!

The KMT also stopped the overseas saints from coming into Taiwan to gaze at Zion. They set up ��1206 Ad Hoc�� to carry out their goal, resulting in the incident at the Taoyuan Airport. They assaulted almost 100 Christians, both from Taiwan and overseas, and imprisoned ten of them separately in almost every prison in Taiwan. With the help of their eight major intelligence agencies, the KMT also carried out full-scale persecution on all the NTC Christians who worked in schools, military units, and public services. They manipulated the media, twisting the facts in order to slander the NTC. Not only that, the KMT intensified their persecution on the NTC in Taiwan and overseas. They used violence by beating the saints and stained the streets with innocent blood. This shook the world! For the sake of Truth and justice, the NTC withstood the full-scale persecutions of the KMT with their human bodies, their families, and their lives. Selfless, they would not give way even unto death and protested till the end.

In 1986, the NTC finally triumphed over despotism and returned to Zion in victory, testifying that the Truth will always be victorious and that justice will always shine. Moreover, it testifies that the God of Mount Zion is the faithful Almighty One who lives forever! Afterwards, the people of Zion began rebuilding their homestead. According to God�䏭 law, they practiced organic farming and poison-free enterprises. Today, 20 years later, Mount Zion is famous throughout the world. She has become a land of peace admired by all, a paradise, which is the Garden of Eden. However, the enemies of Zion�𣏾�懀he Chiang Dynasty and the KMT refused to admit their wrongs and solve the problem of Mount Zion, so as the prophet prophesied, they divided and fell, suffered perdition, and became history.

The history of Mount Zion is truly touching and abundant. After the people of Israel came out of Egypt, God commanded Moses to diligently teach all the children of Israel the works that He did in Egypt. (Please see Exodus 13:8��9 and Deuteronomy 6:5��9) In 2004, the spirit of God moved the prophet to build Zion�䏭 History Museum on the ruins of Mount Zion�䏭 Church Premises. This museum, which is the exact replica of the former church premises, also shows the damaged parts so as to testify to the atrocities committed by the KMount In the museum, we have on display the process of how the people of Zion shed blood, tears, and sweat to build up Zion and relics from that time. We also have records of their days of wandering and battling at the Hsiaolin Riverbed. All these testify to the glorious past of Zion. They also remind the children of God not to forget the past, but to hold fast the vision of Mount Zion and continue to build up Zion, so that all the prophecies written in the Bible about Zion may be fulfilled word for word. Through touring this place, all people may come to recognize that the Great King of Zion�渄esus Christ, is the one and only God and Savior, and that Zion is the source of all blessings. They will then receive the salvation and have a share in the commanded blessings of Zion together with the saints.